SJOGREN'S SYNDROME Attacks the glands that provide lubrication to the eyes and mouth.
The hallmark symptoms of Sjogren's syndrome are dry eyes and dry mouth, but it may
also affect the joints or skin.
PSORIASIS Causes skin cells to multiply too quickly forming inflamed red patches, commonly with silver-white scales of plaque on the skin.
30 percent of people with psoriasis also develop swelling, stiffness, and pain in
their joints,Psoriatic Arthritis.
LUPUS Although doctors in the 1800s first described lupus as a skin disease because of the rash it commonly produces,
the systemic form, which is most the common, actually affects many organs, including the joints, kidneys, brain, and heart.
RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS Attacks the joints. This attack causes redness, warmth, soreness, and
stiffness in the joints.RA can start as early as your 30s or sooner.
ADDISON'S DISEASE Affects the adrenal glands, which produce the hormones cortisol and
aldosterone as well as androgen hormones.Can affect the way the body uses and stores carbohydrates and glucose. Deficiency of aldosterone
will lead to sodium loss and excess potassium in the bloodstream.
MYASTHENIA GRAVIS Affects nerve impulses that help the brain control the muscles.
Often muscles that control eye movements, eyelid opening, swallowing, and
facial movements are involved.
HASHIMOTO'S THYROIDITIS Thyroid hormone production slows to a deficiency. Symptoms include weight gain,
sensitivity to cold,hair loss, and swelling of the thyroid (goiter).
GRAVE'S DISEASE Attacks the thyroid gland causing it to produce too much hormones. Thyroid hormones control the body’s metabolism.
Potential symptom of this disease is bulging eyes,exophthalmos. It can occur
as a part of what is called Grave's ophthalmopathy.